Finding Light in Crisis

Looking for gratitude amidst crisis feels similar to what I imagine searching for a flash light in a pitch black room feels like.

You’re so wrapped up in the darkness that you can barely even see your hand in front of your face, and yet you’re supposed to be able to find a light?

Yes, you are. You are supposed to find a light. You’re supposed to use whatever you’ve got in you to find that flash light, however flickery it may be.

Because once you find that light, things start to illuminate. As per the whole electricity thing goes, it’s not so dark anymore!

When you can brave the darkness and uncertainty to find gratitude, your world becomes a little bit lighter. the light grows, and sure - maybe it still feels like the power is out and you’re the one person on your block without a generator - but at least you’ve got a little night light and it’s not so scary anymore.

So, if it’s dark for you right now and you feel like that flashlight might be out of reach, just know that you’re not alone. It used to be that some days were harder than others, now some hours are harder. Some moments I’m filled with gratitude and the next i’m sick over wondering WHY. But my light never goes out, because all you need is a flicker.

I’m finding comfort in self expression through my writing, although admittedly my words feel far more jumbled and directionless than i’d like. Truthfully, i’m grasping at any sentences that come through my brain and seem to mean something to me. Life is really beautiful, but it is by no means easy. But that’s okay. I’m okay. it’s going to be okay. And that’s my light. I’m going to try and share a little bit of my heart & mind with you guys each day, with hopes that whatever i’m feeling, however epic or mundane it may be, resonates with someone.

so much love & light your way


A Love Letter to My Friends


Beginning to Own My Story