Accepting What Is

At the root of all fearful beliefs is the idea that we are never enough. As someone who has found ultimate peace in the pursuit of personal growth, I have an interesting relationship to this.
While others might feel like they’re never pretty enough, never loved enough, never wealthy enough; I deal with similar feelings of lacking wisdom or authenticity.⠀
Regardless of where your feelings of unworthiness may lie, the reality is that we as human beings will always want more out of ourselves. I find peace in what is true: when this lifetime ends, I will have been enough. ⠀⠀
We’ve evolved to a point of addiction to doing — it’s why we feel physical discomfort at the onset of boredom. As obvious as it seems, we are human beings, not human doings. ⠀

Especially in the US, we’re conditioned to believe that stillness (which is really presence) is the enemy of productivity. Business by original definition simply means “doing things” - in practicing or studying business, we learn to monetize being busy. Realistically, most of us are pursuing “business” whether it’s on our degrees or not. ⠀

To seek productivity or to internalize a call to be productive is to distract yourself from the NOW. Basically, when you’re feeling a need to be productive, you’re actively denying what IS by asking yourself things like: What do I need to do? What should I have done to get myself ahead earlier? ⠀⠀
Instead of: ⠀⠀
Here is what I am doing. ⠀⠀
Here is where I am. ⠀⠀
The “denying what is” thought process is what creates dissatisfaction and suffering because it makes you believe that you haven’t done enough, or that you’re never doing enough. It makes you believe that in another reality, you would’ve had a better internship or you would’ve gotten better grades or you would’ve been a better parent. The good news is that what I just referred to as “another reality” is not a reality at all. It’s a fallacy that has been created by lies your ego is telling you. The only REALITY is what is. You are breathing, you are conscious - maybe you even have an incredible job or an wonderful new adventure ahead. You are doing ENOUGH!!! More will come, but in time. Enjoy where you are.


Is It Brave to Simply be Human?


A New Body