A New Body

Today’s message: you don’t need to love your body, you just need to trust it.⠀⠀

Journal entry from 7/12/21⠀
The challenge was never “what will it take for me to love my body.” Rather, it is “what will it take to understand that every day my body is new and exciting.”⠀⠀
Every morning, the body I’ve familiarized myself with the day before will have changed at the cellular level. My new body will hold my soul for the day, until the chemicals change and the cells grow and suddenly a new body has taken shape and the only constant that remains is my soul. ⠀⠀
Every past version of us ceases to exist in reality. It is only when we call those past versions of “ourself” into our consciousness that they gain footing in our current reality. The “you” that appeared thinner or the “you” who had more muscle tone — those versions of yourself don’t exist in this reality. Only YOU do.
The same way we grow and expand our consciousness and further develop as emotional and intellectual beings, our bodies change too. We must grant our bodies freedom to change as they may. And beyond that grant of freedom, we must TRUST our bodies.⠀⠀
Once you can trust that your ever-changing body is changing FOR you, not in spite of you, you can find gratitude for the body of cells that your soul takes shape in each day. ⠀⠀
We are all human, and there are going to be days when you look in the mirror and feel frustrated.
So perhaps the question is not “what will it take for me to love my body?” but rather the understanding that there are some days when I will feel more comfortable in the body I am given than others, and being at peace with that because you know that the body is a vessel for love and that your soul will never need validation - only your ego will. ⠀⠀
This was my journal entry (edited, of course) from the other night. We may not always be able to love our bodies, but if we can begin to trust them - to trust that the weight society has convinced us is “extra”, to trust that our height has no bearing on our value, to trust that the way we look pales in importance to the way we treat others and the way we love. ⠀⠀
Happy aloha Friday 🤍 today, I trust this body.


Accepting What Is


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