‘She is’ - a little poem I wrote as I come to appreciate my own eccentricities and this grand story of mine. In October, I am leaning into self-confidence and authentic appreciation of exactly who and how I am in each moment. Join me if you so please!

She is  

She is melted cups of iced coffee
The 4th grade performance when she forgot her lines 
1200 unread text messages - a “just saw this” 3 weeks late 

She is a clean room and a messy car 
Self-tan stained bed sheets,
A google-calendar color coded by the hour 

She is a shelf of self-help books, each brimming with post-it notes
Cliche Pinterest quotes saved in a photo album for inspiration, 
Early morning wake ups, optimistic for a good sunrise 

She is college-ruled pages torn out of notebooks when her handwriting wavers
A recovering perfectionist, she likes to say
Never stays sad for long

She is “I’m from just outside of New York City” - a traffic jam away from exaggeration 
Flushed cheeks and chattering teeth in 50 degree weather 
The trunk full of hand-me-down hoodies that sits at the end of her bed 

She is the provider of an impassioned monologue 
“My social clock is running out” 5 minutes after getting to the party 
The extra strength melatonin on her bedside table to help her sleep 

And somehow,

I’ve fallen in love with the unanswered text messages 
With the melted cups of iced coffee and their puddles of condensation 
And the haunting memory of the fourth grade performance 

I’ve fallen in love with the messy car
With the drugstore self tanner on too-expensive sheets 
And the seemingly neurotic google calendar 

I’ve fallen in love with the wisdom she draws from each book 
With the pinterest quotes she stumbles upon in her camera roll 
And the dunkin’ workers who ask what she’s doing up so early 

I’ve fallen in love with the penmanship she once dubbed inadequate 
With her journey to authenticity
And how she treats her heart so delicately 

I’ve fallen in love with her suburban New Jersey town, and the drive into the city 
With the way cold gives her a natural blush 
And the collection of hoodies she prizes 

I’ve fallen in love with her heartfelt soliloquies
With her shameless admission of introversion
And her commitment to her sleep schedule 

And just when I think that this is all she is, 
She becomes something more. 
And I fall more in love with her. 


In Reflection


How to Move on, or at least begin trying to